Tuesday, 29 November 2011


Been a busy little bee making some things for a couple of craft fairs, thought I'd give you a little peak of how things are shaping up so far

New Frame

Badges & Frames and necklaces (almost done!) Snowflakes and cupcake wrappers next week. Hopefully some posters and tote bags too. Wouldn't it be nice if I could just do this all year, all day, everyday?! For now a few festive fairs will do then I can use the pennies to go and see this

I've seen it once before but it's so magical and I really really want to go again this year when my family come for Christmas! Ahhh Christmas how you've snuck up on me! Is it too early to be posting about Christmas? I can't hold it any longer.

Sunday, 27 November 2011

On my plate, Breakfasts!

Deary gosh I really do love breakfast, and it just got a whole lot more scrummy thanks to this video

My New Roots - How to Make Nut Milk from My New Roots on Vimeo.

Thanks to Anabela who posted the video a little while back (my porridge tastes extra good made with home made almond milk!)

Saturday, 26 November 2011

Arty Party

My lovely friend and colleague Lauren is hosting a wonderful Arty Party on the 10th December & Rosie and I will be selling some wares perfect for christmas presents! Well when I say Rosie and I what I should say is that Rosie is going to be there manning our stall whilst I am off to ATP. So please go along and give her a wave (and all of your money) to make up for my absence!

Arty Party

I'll show you the goodies I'm flogging next week!

Saturday, 19 November 2011


I got a roll of film from my Diana processed a few weeks ago and couldn't really remember where I'd used it up. Turns out it was a combination of things & places but most significantly a few shots of Göteborg! Reminding me I miss that beautiful place is Marta who longs for the snowy city too. And of course Anna who will be here for another few months.

Once this final year is done with we will plan a lovely reunion tour, catching up with all of the people we met along the way. It will be summertime and we'll dip our feet in the ocean in Barcelona, and hop accross to Heidi in Finland then see if Sophie will have us in Germany, Maja and Darja in Slovenia and so on and on!

My love affair with Göteborg is over here if you feel so inclined!

(What I wouldn't give for a Semla bun right now!)

Wednesday, 16 November 2011

I love this Video for Zara, I've lost (if you can call it a loss?!) far too many hours of my life to the Selby,  is pretty special. There are so many incredibly lavish houses that are far too much for me to imagine myself living in but that are really amazing to browse through.I especially love Andy & Kate Spade's

There's just something about seeing inside someone else house, I simply can't get enough of it! I've watched the above video far more times than I care to admit, now I mostly just miss my old attic bedroom, Wales, FRESH air, daylight and being totally carefree! It's so dreamy though. Soon things will be quiet and I'll be begging to be busy once more, but for now hooray for small distractions and a little daydreaming!

Wednesday, 9 November 2011

Ministry of stories

I swung by the Ministry of Stories during design week a while back. Have you been? It's based on the same premise as Dave Eggers 826 Valencia premises, which is an incredible pirate supplies shop and hidden behind the store is a non profit organisation that helps kids realise their writing dreams. such a wonderful concept! It doesn't hurt that the store sells a whole heap of amazing pirate themed things you definitely NEED in your life
(or rather I definitlely would like in mine!)

Like this rather good print
At the ministry of stories on this side of the pond you can stock your shelves full of delightful treats
like impacted ear wax snack bars, jars of snot and various other monster delicacies! So so fun!
or of course if you're gifted in the story writing department I heard a rumour from a monster friend that they really like volunteers!

Sunday, 6 November 2011


We set up a mini cinema in the front room and prjected all three LOTR (extended editions no less!) I'd never seen any of them before so it was quite an undertaking. I'm proud to say I stayed awake for 2.5, so probably around 8 or 9 hours worth. Good effort for someone who falls asleep in literally every movie ever. Especially ones I really like and want to see to the end! Of course in between episodes we had some fireworks too!

Just some back garden firework action, nothing too insane! But lots of lovely friends, a ginormous pan full of Gavins lovely chilli and lots of laughs. oh and one rocket that forgot to launch and just blew up a metre from us oops! and a terrified little Freya Kitty! Happy Guy Fawkes!

Friday, 4 November 2011

On my plate

I made a croquembouche for Gavin's birthday, not quite as epic as the ones on the Great British Bake Off but not bad for a first go without a cone! I figured I'd probably burn about 7 of my 10 fingers making the spun sugar but I managed to escape relatively unscathed, hurrah!
oh and in case you fancy your chances the recipe I used is here

Wednesday, 2 November 2011

& then

Last week two lovely friends were in town from Birkenhead, we ate unholy amounts of good food, took photos, played many a game of virtual tennis (which fyi I am apparently real good at?!) and generally just hung out and had fun.
It's back to it now though, back to work! I'm juggling a ton of things right now- child protection training, giving workshops, dissertations, making making making, applying for courses, applying for funding and so on and on and on and on. It feels really nice to be busy and productive and im hoping the dark doesn't sap all of my energy!
I'm going to be blogging for Artists Access to Art Colleges I've met the four artists I'll be working with, which is all pretty exciting. So trying to squeeze in some time to film them at work and try my hand at a bt of stop frame. I'll show you their work another time and of course you'll be able to follow me over on the blog too!
Speaking of making and of films I just found this, I've not managed to make it to the V&A Power of making yet but this makes me really want to try and find the time! Also perfectly timed inspiration for my attempts!

& more eye candy from a classmate of mine Joe