So I reached the grand old age of 26 on Bastille day last week and I totally didn't realise quite how food related this particular birthday was until I started putting everything in it's new home today! Feeling a little bit spoilt!
Technically the Abel & Cole book wasn't a birthday gift but a well time gift for recommending them to a friend! I was so excited when I opened it! the photography is wonderful. There's even a kitty shot that I resisted photographing since we're on the subject of food and not cats. Sooner or later I'll make a post and say nothing about either... just you wait!
Jenny got me The Nordic Bakery its definitely going to be used a lot I think, I'm thinking of trying these first
and then these
And you know, mostly EVERYTHING inside this lovely book.
I also got these joys from my excelent present buying little Sister Lydia

I have a pretty impressive (if I do say so myself) collection of these little Favourites books. They're just SO GOOD! other winners in my collection include Favourite Caravanning recipes! whats not to love about that? I can pretend I'm cosied up in one of those lovely airstreams cooking up a little storm without ever leaving the house... well aside from to buy me some ingredients, unless of course the lovely Abel & Cole deliver them to me. Did I mention how much I like Abel & Cole? it's so exciting waking up on a monday morning and untieing the little box of treats likes its my birthday! Don't mock me seriously it's so so nice!
Anyway I digress as usual, what I was trying to get to was the excelent photos that accompany the retro recipes. Check out Jane over here in her kitchen preparing that classic French Onion soup

Her neighbour Wanda makes a mean Chicken Chasseur but perhaps I'll show you that another day, because you know I know you're desperate to see her mellow yellow kitchen.
I also got this incredibly slick
Lunchbox from Gav and well let me tell you I'm going to be the talk of the town at
SLG tomorrow. I'm so excited about lunch tomorrow and I only just ate dinner!
I also got the byootifully compiled recipe book to go along with it and I'm already planning to subject you to images of my lunches. So I guess you have that to look forward to!

Look at the little illustrations, it makes my heart sing a little bit!
It's a collaboration between a Visual Artist and an interaction designer who worked at a design studio together, and it's all new and still has that new book smell and well I'm pretty psyched it landed in my lap thats for sure!